The decision to occupy a space is often made based on urgent needs. We understand how often it is a matter of convenience to enter into a contract in which a company promises to pay another company thousands of dollars each month. However, where else in business do you enter into that contract without professional consultation? We strive to help our clients by providing a complete picture of the real estate market realities in which to make a well-informed business decision. From conception to construction, and everything in between, call us to ask about our SERVICES in detail.
Tenant Rep, as it is known, is really a representation of the User of Space to the exclusion of building owners who are in it for the purpose of profitability. In other words, a tenant representative does not represent the landlord or developer in a transaction. To this end, we are keenly aware of how tenants of real estate need to approach the transaction from a position of true understanding, the tenant pays for everything. The building owner is the professional in this arena, and it is our opinion that both sides should be represented professionally.